Monday, July 10, 2006

Qualifying Industrail Zones (QIZs)

The Jordanian government has facilitated in recent days the transfer of hundreds of Bangladeshi textile workers from companies implicated in workers' rights violations in QIZs to other companies found to be in compliance with domestic labor law -- in a move designed at least in part to avoid the imposition of economic sanctions by the United States under the U.S.-Jordan free trade agreement.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Dubai P&O ports deal -- and the possibility that a Middle Eastern nation could have control over some U.S. ports -- was one of several major M&A projects that triggered concerns over national security and strategic interests during 2005.Without contesting sovereign nations' right to regulate, there is a risk that regulatory action may sometimes exceed what is needed to safeguard essential interests, and be motivated by protectionist motives.

The principal challenge for governments "is to find ways of safeguarding essential interests, while at the same time keeping their investment regimes transparent and non-discriminatory.